Allan Ramsay (1887)

1705.—Newhall. Bredisholm, near Glasgow.—In the gardens here there is a dial(Fig. 1706) erected in 1840, not unworthy to be classed with the ancientexamples. It is entirely the work, both in design and execution, of SUNDIALS — 508 — SUNDIALS Alexander Frasei,* a nortli country working mason. The Rev. Mr.MMillan, Baillieston, having made diligent inquiry, has communicatedthe following notes, containing all that can now be gathered regardingFraser. He rented an orchard adjoining Bredisholm House, and built acottage for himself, where he lived quite alone. Having no knowledge of

Allan Ramsay (1887)

Keywords: The Rev. Mr.MCMillan, Baillieston, having made diligent inquiry,civilization ,Newhall